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       from a dream to reality...       


Kyarri Empress was created at a time where I found myself needing to help my Granddaughter overcome her battle with Eczema. It was hard to find reliable products in stores and the prescribed medicated solutions were a constant fail.

My Granddaughter was miserable and it was on my heart heavy to end her struggle. 


After conducting research, I was able to create a body butter formula that worked just for her using nothing but vegan/plant based products and today, she is "itch free" and happy. When she's getting low on product, my favorite thing to hear from her now is, "Granny, I need a care package" and THAT inspires me to keep going. 


Since then, I have been able to expand my effort to help my Granddaughter and have began offering my care packages to others. The joy of creating body butters to lip balms to shower bombs, has truly been a honor to help so many overcome their share of skin struggles as well. 


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